“From the very first moments of her stupendous entrance scena Pirozzi was in commanding form sending out huge fiery high notes that singed the air. […] the enormous high D-flat at the conclusion of the amazing first-act finale sent chills up my spine.” – Christopher Corwin, Parterre Box


“The Neapolitan Pirozzi, billed as a dramatic soprano, has sung the role in several major European centers including London, Paris, and Madrid. […] She showed stage confidence and real presence, plus genuine Italian diction and a house-filling Verdian dramatic spinto. [..] The voice, remarkably even, has bite and spin.”    David Shengold, Gay City News

“Anna Pirozzi realizó su debut local como Lady irradiando una voluminosa italianita, particularmente beneficiosa para el éxito de la función.”
“Anna Pirozzi made her local debut as Lady radiating a voluminous Italian, particularly beneficial to the success of the show.”

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